mandag 18. august 2008


The universe comprises an awful lot of things. To be precise, it comprises everything that physically exists. As far as I can tell, everything that physically exists is quite a lot. All things that physically exist can hardly be counted in three weeks, much less a fortnight. All of these things have shapes and substances. Some of these things have a certain usage. Regardless of any given thing's shape, substance or usage, it most likely does not resemble a pencil sharpener. This is because, believe it or not, the number of things in the universe that don't look like pencil sharpeners, is strikingly vast. Almost unfathomable.

Now you might ask yourself a number of things. "What's wrong with making a website about pencil sharpeners?" would be one. But that question would become bleak when compared to this question: "Why create a website who's sole purpose is to not write about pencil sharpener likeness?".

I will never answer these questions.

Well, maybe later, but not in a while.

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